2 Global Subnational Internet Quality Products

This document describes the KDH Global Subnational Internet Quality Products developed by KASPR Datahaus PTY LTD. This suit of products presents monthly or yearly aggregates of our few-hourly (e.g. 1h, 3h, 6h) regional (national, adm1, or adm2 accordingly) level products and provide an aggregated measure of region’s ICT Infrastructure. It contains aggregated measures on a rgion’s internet quality, outages, slow-downs and distance to latency frontier. The raw measurement basis for this product are over 3 billion daily measurements from over 450 million internet connected end-point devices.


Description Value
Update Frequency Monthly, Yearly
Geographic Coverage Global
Number of Countries/States/Counties covered 136/2,921/26,324
Time period coverage Since FEB 2019
Historical data available Yes, 5 years
Data Set Format .tsv
Raw or scraped data Raw Data (Aggregated)
Key Fields Country; Province/State; County/District (ADM2); Average Latency and Average Variance in Latency; Number of days in the year with connectivity and latency anomalies; Distance to the latency frontier;
Key Words geospatial, internet, internet quality, latency, stability, outages

Use Cases

Location Planning

Make more accurate location decisions for your critical digital infrastructure (i.e. servers, data centers). Identify districts.counties with high average internet quality, low internet volatility and few connectivity anomalies.

Risk Analysis

Identify areas with high numbers of internet connectivity anomalies, low internet quality or high variability in internet latency.

Location Data Enrichment

Enhance your geo-spatial risk data products by a information about local internet infrastructure quality.

Geospatial Telecommunications Data

Telecommunication and ISP companies can identify new potential markets.

Sample Data

Sample dataset provides immediate access to a static version of a 5% random subsample for the year 2023.

Full dataset contains information from over 26,000 ADM2 units (i.e. counties/districts) and 136 countries.

Customized Data for individual countries or regions as well as Internet Service Provider (ISP) level are available per request.

Historical Data & Backtesting

5 year historical data is available for purchase and backtesting. Data collection has been operating consistently and without interruptions since February 2019.

Please contact for further information.


KASPR Datahaus PTY LTD offers additional services to interested parties where our technology can intensively measure the IP space of a subset of over one hundred metropolitan areas around the globe to provide a representative view of these specific, high IP address concentration, large urban agglomerations.

We welcome inquiries around any aspect of product design that may serve your needs. Please get in touch at .

Variable Defintions

Variable Description
country_iso_three_char_code Country’s 3-digit ISO code
country_iso_name Country name
* adm1_name Name of the ADM1 unit. ADM1 refers to a country’s first, administrative unit at the subnational level (e.g. States in the US, Bundeslaender in Germany, or Provinces in China).
* adm1id Unique alpha-numerical identifier for the ADM1 unit. Combination of country_iso_three_char_code and an integer.
** adm2_name Name of the ADM2 unit. ADM2 refers to a country’s second, administrative unit at the subnational level (e.g. Counties in the US, LGAs in Australia).
** adm2id Unique alpha-numerical identifier for the ADM2 unit. Combination of adm1_unique_identifier and an integer.
year Year
rtt_variance_norm Average Variance in Latency (ping response time in ms). Higher values indicate more volatility in internet connectivity during that period.
rtt_mean_norm Average Latency (ping response time in ms). Higher values indicate lower average quality in internet connectivity during that period.
rtt_mean_norm_adj Average Latency (ping response time in ms) adjusted to account for monthly infrastructure sampling baseline shifts. See main document for details.
connectivity_out_2sd Number of days in year when connectivity (unique # of active IPs) was 2 standard deviations below the median connectivity.
latency_out_3sd Number of days in year when rtt_mean_norm was 3 standard deviations above the median latency.
rtt_d Absolute difference between rtt_mean_norm and minimum latency in the country (rtt_min). Distance to the latency frontier. Higher values indicate relatively lower quality.
rtt_dp Percentage difference between rtt_mean_norm and minimum latency in the country (rtt_min). Distance to the latency frontier. Higher values indicate relatively lower quality.